Chicken-Fried News: Construction crooks

Chicken-Fried News: Green gobblin

When doing construction on your home, you worry about weather, going over budget and your furniture fitting through doorways — theft doesn’t usually come into the picture.

A local homebuilder wasn’t so lucky.

Thieves in the Summit Lake subdivision in northwest Edmond recently broke into a house under construction and stole high-end appliances — including a stove top, a double oven and a microwave — totaling over $10,000.

They damaged a custom-built cabinet in order to get the double oven and microwave out but were much nicer when it came to parts of the house that could cause dangerous situations. reported that Tim Egan suspects another contractor of the crime since electric wires were capped and gas was turned off to prevent total destruction of the property.

“They turned the gas off, so my gas wasn’t running and they didn’t blow my house up for me, so I appreciated that,” Egan said.

The thieves left behind expensive lighting and kitchen sink fixtures, barn-style doors and even a dishwasher.

Egan believes they got spooked and left in a hurry.

He said he had a separate break-in another house he is building but the burglars left without stealing anything.

Print Headline: Construction crooks

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