Dischordia drummer Josh Fallin and guitarist Keeno — “I just go by Keeno, mostly. I’m kinda like Prince in that sense. Or Cher, maybe” — have been making metal long enough to weather the demise of four or five different bands, by their estimation.

“Everybody’s cycled through, but we’ve always stayed,” said Keeno.

So when vocalist/bassist Josh Turner showed up, rooted in punk rock but with an enthusiasm for more virtuosic playing, the kinship and musicianship seemed like a natural fit.

“I’ve been wanting to play metal since I was in eighth grade,” Turner said. “We were definitely metal right from the get-go ... but, yeah, my taste definitely evolved from punk.”

Formed in March, the Oklahoma City trio started playing shows early last summer, carving into the regional scene with its take on progressive metal inspired by such bands as Swedish experimental overlords Meshuggah and forward-thinking screamers The Dillinger Escape Plan.

Even with only a single EP, October’s “Creator, Destroyer,” under their belt, Dischordia’s members are confident enough to look ahead to bigger things.

“Josh and I were both music majors in college, and Keeno’s been playing guitar for ... ever,” Turner said. “So even now, we’re having all these crazy ideas for the future as we plan on getting better, and are getting better.”

Added Keeno, “It’s a challenge playing with these two, because they’re so far ahead of me theoretically. It’s my favorite band ever. It’s not just us fooling around or writing angry, fast stuff.” “Creator, Destroyer” is both angry and fast, but there’s more to the quartet of tracks. Fallin and Turner’s classical training shows up in the turbulent, ever-aggressive rhythm section on standout track “Dark Passenger,” taking only a deep breath’s respite before Keeno hops in and strangles his fret board for a menacing guitar solo. Their blazing, furious tempos aren’t typical of an act still in its infancy.

“I remember when we first got into rehearsing ‘Creator, Destroyer.’ We built up the endurance for it over time, and live, we hold together well, even when we’re playing so fast,” Turner said. “At this point, we’re just going to try to get faster and faster.”

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