Chicken-Fried News: Running dirty

Oral Roberts University (ORU), better known in Tulsa as “that giant hands place,” has introduced another requirement for incoming students: Fitbits.

Jumping on the wearable tech train might seem like an odd move, but it’s actually the sanest thing ORU has done in a long time, because students have always had an “activity obligation” at the school. Now, the Fitbits can log students’ mandatory 150 minutes per week of activity and minimum 10,000 steps per day instead of writing it down and handing it in.

Will anybody look at the data? Who knows? We can’t believe someone has been grading papers from students saying they exercised all these years.

But now that students can’t just lie about their steps, will there be a new gray market economy for local joggers? Just look for a guy wearing 20 Fitbits with a cool $100 in his pocket.

Print headline: Running dirty

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