Oklahoma Gazette

The problem with fact checks is that nobody cares about the facts now so long as their team wins.

Gazette staff Feb 22, 2023 7:00 AM

The problem with fact checks is that nobody cares about the facts now so long as their team wins.

That being said, here’s a retort to the report from Kevin.

“We made smart decisions instead of going on a spending spree.”

Oh yeah? Is that why your state’s new attorney general has at least two openly-announced investigations into how your administration handled its contracts? Guess it’s not considering a spending spree if the places you’re spending money are your friends’ pockets.

“While other states are shutting down their economies, we’ve never been more open for business.”

Oops. Sounds like this one didn’t get deleted from the 2021 and 2022 versions of this speech from which this predictable pattern was cut.

“Across the country, huge numbers of Americans are moving to states that value freedom and

trust their citizens to make choices for themselves. There has never been a bigger difference between a red state and a blue state.”

True. But not in the way Kevin suggests. People definitely are moving to states that value freedom. Freedom being defined as being allowed to teach their areas of expertise for a living wage without state censors and that whole bodily autonomy thing that seems to stop at the steps of the Capitol.

“Freedom-loving Americans cannot escape liberal lockdown states fast enough.”

No, seriously, Kevin. It’s 2023. Keep up.

“One path leads toward a top ten state.”

But you just said on the campaign trail that was just an “aspirational goal” Oklahoma will never reach.

(throws hands up in air and walks away from keyboard mere minutes into the speech)