Cold Brew

Sep 26 - Oct 2, 2018

Vol. 40, No. 39

Cover: Drink up

New alcohol laws will have an immediate impact on how consumers get their beer and wine and how retailers will sell them.

By Nazarene Harris, George Lang, Jacob Threadgill and Jeremy Martin


Food & Drink

Arts & Culture

  • Lit up

    An art installation originally in New York City finds new life and transformation in Oklahoma City.

    By Jeremy Martin

  • Ballet buddies

    Oklahoma City Ballet teams up with University of Oklahoma School of Dance to help students transition to professionals.

    By Jeremy Martin

  • Technical art

    A local tech company supports artists and the community with a gallery space featuring rotating exhibitions.

    By Joshua Blanco

  • Blood ties

    Oklahoma Blood Institute’s Thank the Donor program lets recipients connect indirectly with their donors.

    By Daniel Bokemper

  • Voting lessons

    Del Crest Middle School students take civic lessons to the streets with their mission to register 200 residents to vote in November’s statewide elections.

    By Nazarene Harris

  • Compassionate transportation

    A local service provides helpful transportation to patients undergoing medical care.

    By Joshua Blanco

  • Star tech

    Science Museum Oklahoma upgrades its planetarium to provide a better experience for audiences.

    By Jeremy Martin

  • Hard-hitting

    Oklahoma City Lady Force plays full-impact football in the Women’s Xtreme Football League.

    By Jo Light


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