Letters to the Editor: July 22, 2014

How to shrink the tumor

There is a notable phrase in your article on the cartels story (News, “Cartel Crossroads,” Ben Felder, July 16, Oklahoma Gazette): “... you set yourself up for failure anytime there is a war because that means somebody’s got to lose,” a seemingly direct admission that the drug cartels aren’t going to lose no matter how frequently law enforcement wins a battle.

Comparing the cartels to a cancer also seems telling and reminiscent of alcohol prohibition when the gangs grew powerful enough to control several American cities.

The way to control the cartels is to take their money. Since we American humans are not going to give up our bad habits, that means we need to give the money to business entities via regulation of these bad habits as we have done with alcohol and tobacco. This may not be as morally satisfying as our punishment of those without our particular bad habits, but it will make our national drug cancer tumor benign and considerably reduced.

— Clinton L. Wiles Oklahoma City

Hush, now

On Dec. 13, 2012, the FCC implemented rules requiring television commercials to have the same average volume as the programs that they accompany. These rules were to comply with Congress’ Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act. The majority of broadcasters do not comply. Those of us with a mute button on the remote already know this. There is an alternative: You may file a complaint on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website. This applies to most all broadcast media: cable, satellite, analog and radio.

We need to take our airwaves back and not be assaulted every day by this noise pollution. The FCC promises to take each report seriously, so pass it on.

— John Elder Edmond

Gazette is in touch with citizens

It’s refreshing to read John Thompson’s take on the defeat of (Oklahoma State Department of Education Superintendent Janet) Barresi and the revolt against right-wing corporate destruction of public education, “Education for the people” (News, Commentary, July 9, Gazette).

At least there’s one editorial page in the city that is not out of touch with regular citizens and their schools.

— Terry M. Clark Edmond

Well, that’s not Weird anymore

It’s come to my attention that you no longer run the News of the Weird articles. They are one of the biggest draws to the Gazette. I have, however, noticed much more advertising. Should the Gazette continue along these lines, it will be little more than a supermarket tabloid with little substance. Today, the News of the Weird. Tomorrow, what? Letters to the Editor? It’s something to think about. If for nothing more than the principle!

— Bryan Carlile Oklahoma City

Editor’s note: In favor of publishing even more local content, especially in print, Oklahoma Gazette stopped printing the nationally syndicated News of the Weird column earlier this year.